Python Programming



 Here's an outline for a basic Python programming course. Each module focuses on a specific topic and includes some suggested subtopics and exercises. 

Week 1: Introduction to Python

- Overview of Python and its features

- Setting up Python environment

- Running Python scripts and using the interpreter

- Basic syntax and data types (numbers, strings, lists, dictionaries)

- Control flow (if statements, loops)

- Functions and modules

- Exercises: Write a program to calculate the factorial of a number. Create a function to check if a given string is a palindrome.

Week 2: Working with Data

- Reading and writing files

- CSV and JSON file handling

- Working with dates and times

- Regular expressions

- Manipulating strings

- Exercises: Write a program to read a CSV file and calculate the average of a specific column. Create a regular expression to validate email addresses.

Week 3: Data Structures

- Lists and tuples

- Dictionaries and sets

- Slicing and indexing

- List comprehensions

- Iterating over data structures

- Exercises: Write a program to find the common elements between two lists. Create a dictionary to store employee details and perform operations like adding, updating, and deleting entries.

Week 4: Object-Oriented Programming

- Introduction to OOP concepts

- Classes and objects

- Inheritance and polymorphism

- Encapsulation and abstraction

- Magic methods

- Exercises: Create a class representing a bank account and implement deposit and withdrawal methods. Use inheritance to create subclasses for different types of vehicles.

Week 5: Error Handling and Debugging

- Understanding exceptions

- Try-except blocks

- Handling multiple exceptions

- Debugging techniques and tools

- Logging

- Exercises: Write a program that handles a division by zero exception. Use debugging techniques to identify and fix a bug in a program.

Week 6: Working with Modules and Packages

- Importing modules and using functions/classes

- Creating and using modules

- Understanding the Python Standard Library

- Installing and using third-party packages (pip)

- Exercises: Create a module containing a function to calculate the square root of a number. Install and use the `requests` package to fetch data from a web API.

Week 7: File Handling and I/O

- Reading and writing text and binary files

- Working with file paths

- Context managers (with statement)

- Standard streams (stdin, stdout, stderr)

- Serializing and deserializing objects (pickle, JSON)

- Exercises: Write a program that reads a file and counts the occurrences of each word. Serialize and deserialize a Python object using pickle.

Week 8: Introduction to Testing

- Importance of testing

- Unit testing with the `unittest` module

- Writing test cases and test suites

- Test-driven development (TDD)

- Mocking and patching

- Exercises: Write unit tests for a function that sorts a list of numbers. Use mocking to test a function that interacts with a database.

Week 9: Working with APIs

- Understanding APIs and REST

- Making HTTP requests with `requests`

- Parsing and manipulating JSON/XML responses

- Authentication and API keys

- Rate limiting and handling errors

- Exercises: Fetch data from a public API and display specific information. Implement pagination for API responses.

Week 10: Final Project

- Design and implement a complete Python program or application

- Apply concepts and techniques learned throughout the course

- Showcase problem-solving and programming skills

- Document and present the project



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